

This page proposes a centralized (initially), yet permission-less solution for travel industry as a Layer 3 network.

The aim is to provide an RPC compatible with the Ethereum JSON RPC so that the Winding Tree network can be added easily in MetaMask (for end-users) or Ethers.js (for applications). Using the Ethereum Smartcontract infrastructure (ABI, typing, events), it allows enforcing a common schema while reducing the time to market.

It is proposed that the operator of the solution is appointed by the Winding Tree DAO on a yearly basis. Different operators might take over in the future if the DAO decides it.

Transactions on the Winding Tree network are paid in LIF as the native token of this network. It is suggested to have a fixed cost (in USD terms) depending on the operation type so that it is more predictable for businesses operating on the platform. Fees amount can be voted on by the DAO. The fees are collected by the DAO that can allocate budgets to R&D, Operations, Marketing and strategic partnership.


Functional View

WT Layer 3-Functional View.drawio.png

Technical view

WT Layer 3-Technical View.drawio.png
